Monday, February 18, 2008

What a busy week!

Wow. I can't believe I went all week with out posting anything. It has been a busy week.

For starters our car needed some repairing done. We had a scheduled Tuesday appointment. My dad stopped by for a visit on Tuesday. My children love to see and visit with "Pa Pa". My sweet husband had to work on Wednesday afternoon. I woke up to a bouquet of red roses on the pillow next to me on Thursday and a sweet loving card that expressed my dear husbands feelings and concerns for me. (That was a suprise!) Tried to get the house cleaned for company coming on Saturday. Company came on Saturday and we went sledding in 10 degrees weather. (Could hear the wind howling at us.) Had a fun but chilling time. Came home after about 45minutes or so of sledding and mega calorie burning, to a bowl of hot potato soup and crackers. Yummy. I made my friend a wonderful assortment of cookies. One in particular that has been getting many tasty replies. A version of the "Little Debbie" snack cakes, called "Whoopie Pies". An oatmeal cookie sand which with a creamy filling center. I have made this recipe 3 times in the last 4-5 weeks. My last variation has been the best. I will post the recipe and my techniques this week....

Will try to be less busy this week, although I hear this quote quite often when I am out and today was not exception. "Boy you've got your hands full". So if I happen to miss a few days just keep me in your prayers and know that I am letting the Lord work things out in my heart, life and spirit so I can be of some valuable use for Him.

One more thought about our reading from Mathew. We read about the four soils awhile back. Well this week I had one day that was tough. Emotionally I couldn't shake something that had/has been a struggle of mine for most of my life. I realized this week it was and is b/c I am focusing on the issue and "the cares of this world" and possible could lead to my seed being stolen. I am thankful and overjoyed to have this revealed to me by the Spirit. Of all things it was while I was praying and washing the dishes....Praise be to God for answering us in ways we most dearly need it.

Reminding everyone that God is so Good and not to underestimate his awesomeness.

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