Saturday, January 24, 2009

Faith does not come easy.

By the sound of my last few posts it may seem that Faith comes easy. It may seem like I am a spiritual wonder woman, but I'm not. I actually get frustrated with the situations God allows to happen in my life. Maybe from a glance it seems like I haven't had any struggles that test my faith. I have had some tough ones in the past 2-3 yrs that have really challenged my faith and convictions.

In January of 2006 my extended family, parents and siblings went on vacation to Las Vegas. I was not interested in going. My sister's boyfriends son was deathly ill and neither of them went either. While on the vacation my brother and father get into a fist fight which neither of them exhibited self control. Upon arriving home my mother decides to leave my father and seek a divorce after 38 yrs of marriage.

While my parents embark on a messy drawn out divorce my sister's boyfriends son has a "miraculous" recovery from a blood infection and pneumonia. My children prayed continually for him and were able to see their prayers were answered. Awesome!

Last year my father met a women on the internet and married her in two months. Even though he claims to be a christian and knows what the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. That was in August of 08'.

My mom also met a man on the internet and notified me of their impending marriage in May of 09'. Believing that she is still pleasing God in her actions, even though she sought the divorce and was planning and improving her looks for a possible re-marriage.

No matter what I say in encouragement of showing them what the Bible says and the importance of obeying God even when situations do not make us Happy.

My convictions are strong in obeying what the Bible instructs. I know that our happiness is not predicated on what happens to us, rather the state of our Hearts and how we handle what God allows to happen to us.

Our struggles as Believers do not set us apart from others or non believers. What sets us apart is how we look at God and how we see how much LOVE he has for us.

Even Jesus understood that his Father's will was Best. While in the garden Jesus prays that his Father's will be done over his own.
Mathew 26 : 39
Going in a little further, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father. if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."

1 comment:

Mountain Family said...

The more I go through life the more it seems to me that everyone has baggage and "damage" from their pasts. Even people who seem fine on the outside still have damage on the inside. It sounds like you have had a rough run of it. It is so wonderful that you are doing your best to allow God to use these things to strengthen you and your faith. We all get frustrated and doubtful sometimes, but allowing God to pick us up at that point is a good thing.

What you were saying about believers vs non-believers and struggles made me thing of the song "Held" by Natalie Grant. It has comforted me many times.

Praying for you,